Wednesday, October 21, 2009

acrylic ritual

Recently I've been thinking a lot about ownership of personal identity and body image in relation to popular culture.
I think that this is been inadvertently expressed within my work.
Actually not inadvertently, but directly.

My most recent flash animation is an at home tutorial for applying acrylic tips to your fingernails.
I have to figure out how to upload flash to the internet, but here is the opening frame.

(keep in mind that the text is animated - it changes colors and hovers up and down, and that her nails also flash colors at very quick impulses)

It was really interesting to watch people interact with the game today in it's half finished state.
I was surprised at the amount of people who had absolutely no idea what this acrylic ritual entailed, or that it even existed.

I still have a lot of work to do on it, but I'm confident it's going to be pretty excellent when it's finished.

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